Sinusitis Tailam
साइनोसाइटिस (साइनस) तैलम
साइनोसाइटिस (साइनस) तैलम
Helps to stop sneezing immediately. Helps to relieve congestion of the nose and clears the nasal path. Reduces swelling or feeling of pressure and tenderness in the face region. Improves sense of smell.
100% Pure Ayurvedic Classical Medicine
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- Helps to stop sneezing and irritation inside the nose due to sinusitis.
- Reduces swelling and feeling of pressure/pain in the facial area.
- Helps to mobilise blocked mucus and clears the nasal pathway.
- Subsides itchy nose and eyes.
- Helps to reduce headache and calms the mind.
- Made from 100 percent Organic Ayurvedic Ingredients. Does not contain any artificial colour, fragrance or flavour.
Put 2 drops of the Sinusitis Tailam in each nostril and relax. Repeat twice a day. |